Tuesday 12 January 2016

You have just swallowed your pride and done something you didn't want to do. Your friend wants to know why. The two of you are driving around an almost-full parking garage looking for a space for the friend's oversize pickup. Write the scene.

"Why did you bring your over-compensation-wagon?  It's the freaking size of Texas.  There are some states this beast wouldn't fit in."

"That's jealousy talking."

"We both know if we'd taken my car we'd be parked by now."

A muffled sound came from the back.  Neither looked into the back.

"I thought I was better than this."

"Oh my heart bleeds.  You knew there was no choice."

He started to look round to the back seat but felt a hand on his shoulder.

"No looking back."

"We couldn't take your car.  It wasn't big enough.  She'd have been cramped."

More muffled sounds and wriggling came from behind them.

"This will work, won't it?  They won't go back on their deal?  The swap will work, right?  
I'll get my wife back."

I have twelve inches of sharp metal in my glovebox if things start to go South.

"Oh Jesus Christ.  Why is this happening?"

"Because you took the deal."

"Never negotiate with terrorists.  I get it.  Why did I?  What choice did I have?"

"We always have a choice."

"No, sometimes we don't."

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