Friday 1 January 2016

What can happen in second?

My first thought was the rather obvious; "not much".  Pondering it further I supposed i'm thinking of a second very much on a human level.  Love at first sight perhaps?  It's not something I subscribe to, but maybe that's just me rather than the idea that it never happens.  A blink of an eye takes about a third of second so I could get three of those in.  The normal resting heart rate for a person is 70 beats per minute, so I could get a heartbeat in or do some exercise or get unnecessarily worried about get in a couple.  I suspect I can snap my fingers a few times in a second.

What about animals?  The fastest animal is the Peregrine Falcon which could move over one-hundred metres in a second.  I do wonder whether my maths is right on that one.  It seems awfully fast.

Moving onto non-meat based things the fastest computer (the Roadrunner) can process an astonishing quadrillion calculations in a second.  A quadrillion?  Well, that's 1,000,000,000,000,000.  I can't fathom such a number. To count from one to one quadrillion at one number a second would take - wait for it - 30,800,000 years.  You may be interested to know that a Quadrillion Seconds has a name. A Petasecond.  Whilst i'm on that topic (but off the main topic) the name for the longest number of seconds is Yottaseconds (32 quadrillion seconds).  Just so you know that a Yottasecond is the length of the half-life of Bismuth.  In case you were wondering.

The fastest thing in the universe is light - probably (some Italian scientists have speculated that perhaps Einstein could be wrong, but that's another topic).  In a second (in a vacuum) light would 299,792 kilometers, or 186,282.112 miles.

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