Monday, 11 January 2016

Tell a complete stranger about a beloved family tradition.

Hey there stranger.  So, we used to have many a happy holiday at a tiny little place by the sea in Cornwall.  We were on the beach one year and a brother and sister were arguing and the sister said to the brother; "You're in BIG trouble Dominic."  For reasons now lost to time we started to use that phrase as we continued our holiday.  It then followed us back home and we continued to use it.  "You're in BIG trouble Dominic."  Fifteen years or so later was Max was born and when he got older I started to use it with him.  So, a good thirty years on from that beach on Cornwall whenever anything of us utters that phrase we know what it means - and that makes me happy.  I do wonder what happened to Dominic and what he'd think if he found out how many times his name was uttered.

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